Wow, so much has happened since our last post! Hard work, actual fake blood during the Saxon-Viking battle and tears of joy as we handed our chapters over, on a velvet cushion, to John in assembly, to a trumpet fanfare! Cerys W says, “I found it really fun trumpeting in front of John.”
He worked hard, pulling together all the strands from our chapters into his final scene. The last chapter hasn’t been presented to the school yet…it’s going to remain secret until the final day when the book is launched….Isabelle H says, “Even WE don’t know the ending yet!

To help the pupils with character illustrations, Tom Percival (children’s illustrator and author) came to school and held a drawing workshop for us. Isabelle H says, “He really inspired us to push ourselves to the limit on what we can do. He gets all the details, even on the eyebrows!”
The book, along with the illustrations, were delivered to the publishers (The History Press in Brimscombe) last week. The publishers were very excited to receive the manuscript and they have praised us for the very high quality of the work.