As promised, I attach our first edition of ‘Ideas of things to try at home’ and relevant attachments.  As I mentioned to some of you, these are purely ideas – please do not feel that you have to do all of them (or any of them).  Just have fun and stay safe.

If you do have a go, I would love to see some pictures on Tapestry.

Happy Easter

With best wishes
Therese Watt
Nursery Manager


  • Fr Howard has shared the following link which is a version of The Easter Story especially for children:
  • We also love ‘Let’s celebrate’ on the BBC.
  • Decorate an Easter egg – what could you use to make your egg look colourful and beautiful? (blank template attached).  You could perhaps use paint, crayons, glitter, material, buttons, ribbons etc  Easter egg template
  • Easter Egg hunt in your garden
  • Have an egg rolling race – what could you use to make ramps and slopes – which ramp is the longest/shortest? Is it better if the ramp is at a higher or lower level? Does it make a difference if the ramp is shorter or longer?
  • Play a Rabbit hop game. The children pretend to be rabbits hopping around.  When the caller shouts ‘Rabbit hop, rabbit stop’ the children have to stand very still – a version of musical statues
  • Make a ‘thank you’ garden. Create a garden display using green paint handprints as grass. The children could then decorate eggs or spring/flower shapes.  Ask them to think about something that they are happy or thankful for eg. Playing a game with them, taking them for a bike ride, playing in the garden with them, making their favourite lunch etc.  Write the words for them on the back of their decorated shapes and ‘plant’ them in their garden.
  • Have an egg and spoon race in your garden!!
  • Easter themed cutting skills (templates attached).Can you use your scissors to carefully cut around the shapes and then stick them on to some paper or card to make an Easter picture?  Easter-Themed-Cutting-Skills-Worksheets_ver_3
  • Easter egg numbers – (the egg halves will need to be cut out first). Can you identify each of the numerals?  Can you count the spots on the numicon pieces?  Can you match numeral to quantity?  Can you put the numbers in order?  t-t-2546558-easter-egg-number-shapes-to-10-matching-game_ver_1
  • Easter egg potato prints:  





  • Salt dough eggs: If by any chance you have any flour (!!) you could make some salt dough, cut out the shapes using an easter cutter, make a hole in the top before baking. When cooled, decorate with paint and glitter and then hang the eggs on a tree or perhaps make a garland.  Saltdough recipe (PDF)  Saltdough recipe (word doc)




  • If a grown up cuts out an egg shape or a carrot shape using cardboard, could you use your fine motor skills to wrap wool around to make it look colourful? What could you use as the leaves at the top of the carrot?  Could you use different coloured wool on your egg?