
Compassion  by Emily Braune (Year 6)


This story that I am about to tell

Is about two people called Harry and Belle,

It shows what it’s like to be in other people’s shoes,

Empathy is the one to choose


When Belle is sitting all alone

And Harry is with his friends,

He notices her with tears in her eyes,

Harry knows Belle doesn’t pretend.


He feels her sorrow and her pain

And asks her what’s the issue

She tells him her tale with a quivering voice

Whist dabbing her eye with a tissue.


His voice is warm and tender

It puts her at her ease,

Harry’s arm is around Belle’s shoulder

He gives her a compassionate squeeze.


I hope you’ll see from my caring tale

That the role of the friend is clear

to provide love, support and sympathy

At times of greatest fear.


Didn’t you know! Compassion is the new fashion!


2 thoughts on “Compassion”

  1. We think your poem is brilliant. Theo is in our class and he must be a proud little brother.

    Erin thinks your poem is peaceful. Rohan thinks the little boy was a good part of the poem. Alice thinks the poem is calm and thoughtful.

    We look forward to your poetry Mr Moss!

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