Dear Prime Minister (draft)

Dear Prime Minister,

Please think about the future and make wise decisions carefully before you act. Young people my age are the future—your decisions will change our lives. Wise decisions are kind decisions that are made for the benefit of other people.

I would like a truthful leader; one who is trustworthy. Please do what you can to make sure people say what is actually happening rather than lying or spreading fake news. If people don’t have the truth, they won’t know what is what; they’ll get all confused and they won’t be able to make the best of decisions.

Can you make sure we don’t get into wars and innocent people get hurt. If people want to go to war [which they probably won’t] discourage them by talking to them and making them think before they act. Wars are bad for the world -think of what might happen to you if you were in a war.





One reply on “Dear Prime Minister (draft)”

  1. This is a brilliant idea. And the words are so very well chosen.
    Your points are spot on.
    I hope the prime minister reads it and pays attention.
    I am full of respect for you all , both children and teachers, for writing this letter.
    Joe May.

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