We’ve arrived!

Morning! First night done for PGL 2016 group. A few children struggled to get to sleep as they couldn’t stop talking! Apart from that, a good first night. When we arrived, the children had 15 minutes to unpack and then off they went on a tour of the grounds. Much fun had playing chaos tag and then it was off to tea. Every plate was loaded with food – lasagna or paella or fish and chips – no one went hungry! Next was Wacky Races. The children had to act like models on a catwalk one minute and then be a secret spy the next; some interesting results!

Bedtime arrived and most rooms managed to nod off. However one or two rooms felt like they just needed to stay up that little bit longer and have a good old chat!

As I write this, a few rooms are already washed and dressed for the day and it’s not even 6am!

Lots of fun planned today and we hope to have some pictures on the blog this evening. Please be aware that the signal is not the best and we were unable to load any last night. Fingers crossed that they load up today!