Dear Parents/ Carers

Please find below phase 1 of our guidance and support for home learning. We are being pragmatic and keeping it simple at this stage; this to provide enough distance learning to be going on with but also to allow us all, parents and staff and children alike, to take stock of a rapidly changing situation as it unfolds and adapt. Next week all staff will be working (unless they are ill of course) and we will develop a phase 2 to this guidance and support: this partly based on the best of what we can see being developed by other schools as well as feedback from yourselves and the children.

The adapted guidance will be on the website and emailed to you, in the place of a newsletter, at least once a week.

In the meantime my humble words of advice, at this stage, I will keep also simple and three-fold:-

  1. Establish a routine. Example- include in the routine a quiet reading time. Where you can be very much part of the routine- eg reading alongside your children-all the better.
  2. See it as a unique opportunity (as opposed to just a challenge). There are opportunities to talk, connect, learn together ahead of us that, in our busy modern lives, we very often miss.
  3. Get out and about – we live in a stunning part of the world- drive/pedal/walk away from people into nature and enjoy. Mrs Saeed always says, ‘When you’re outside the world comes to you- you don’t have to re-create it.’ There is so much potential for learning outside.

There is an article here that says similar stuff-

-and here is useful advice about social distancing (there is so much advice out there now- simple stuff like this useful)-