Find out about Giuseppe Arcimboldo and explore ways of creating art pieces using natural and man-made materials along the lines of his work. Please put photos on Tapestry if you would like to.
Draw pictures and add labels, write lists and stories. Make little books. Write a diary of all the things you are doing in pictures or words.
If you do any cooking or baking pop a photo on Tapestry if you can.
Practise counting objects. Practise ordering numbers to 20 and identifying one more than… (Reception)
Count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Practise addition and subtraction number bonds within 20 (Year 1).
Spot shapes in your home 2D and 3D. Set up a shop at home to buy toys or fruit using coins and practise finding change.
Film yourself giving a weather forecast.
Play board games.
Cosmic Kids have meditation and kids yoga exercises.